Lookat this Word Art Generator that was online ooh!

Oh, the astral projection of my thoughts captured so well, no?

Oh, the astral projection of my thoughts captured so well, no?

What happens to be a strange coincidence to your reading happens to be my undoing. In that I am taking myself too seriously. This may be why currently I am so short-ended by my own capabilities because not only do I compare myself to others, I don't consider the real reason why writers may write. Because as such, we truly see that our existence is a joke to God and therefore, whoever can make him laugh first may relive the joys of the type of naïvety that allows us to believe that we'll actually be asked out on a date and have enough consensuality to recognise whether it's appropriate or not. At this point, you squabble of foolish eyes, you may realise that I am simply filibusting here and just delaying the inevitable. Such of which that I may not actually reveal towards your veiled gaze at this point. So you have to deal with that because I am in charge of this domain! And I am not in disdain untill I say/lie so, don't you know?

Don't anybody know?… Jeez. What a world.