How often do I see patterns shift before my eyes? But I do nothing about it. Let alone anything about myself? No pun intended, there’s glaring issues that I see in the people I interact with every day and yet it’s hardly ever addressed. Yet when I do address them, it’s as if I’m in the wrong. I need to continue developing a higher sense of worth in myself but I don’t know how without seeming like a sad sack. I know I’ve the potential to grow. But I realise as of recent I’m the only person that can convince me of that. Pretty much everyone else I regard as an enemy, naturally, because although there’s hope invested, they don’t see things like I see things. And I see a lot of things. Whatever, I’m sure someone will mock me for that type of perspective but I just needed to write this out in words to save my own sanity. Also, I just like the feeling I harness from blogging. As stupid as it is, at least it’s acknowledging the floaters in my eyes.