This should be working. This whole "I know what I'm going to accomplish this year" thing. So then why do I feel like I've failed before I've even begun? What evil forces are pulling me back from the goal at hand? I'm already cutting distractions from my life. I refuse to let the anger of others disturb my coveted moments. What else can really be the trouble? It's now, actually, that I realize how it could be me. I do tend to doubt myself a lot and that may turn off possible collaborators in the future. Therefore, I'm going to have to cut myself some slack and value myself. I value myself! I do care about my own existence very much and any notion that says "Oh, you shouldn't" or "Oh, you don't have what it takes, Danny Boy" should immediately escort itself to Hell. That's not me anymore. I'm not that person. I'm this person. This person, who for the life of him, can't seem to write any scribble scrabble better than meta content. I don't need to blog my problems away. It's not worth my time. My time is much more useful looking to the future and seeing how I can improve it for the sake of myself and those I love.